Celebrating Community and Charism: Highlights from the 2024 Partners Gathering in Aotearoa
Saturday 14th September was the day of our 2024 Partners Gathering, held at Roseland Resort in Waitomo, Aotearoa.
This is an annual event which has been in place for over fifteen years. It was set up to gather together the Brothers and staff at our three New Zealand Lasallian schools. The focus of the day was to build relationships and learn about our shared Lasallian Charism, connecting us with each other and with the wider Lasallian world. Over the years we have had keynote speakers join us from other districts. We have run workshops, led by our own Buttimer Graduates. We have discussed our strategic plan, and we have built relationships that recognise the spirit of the Lasallian charism. A few years ago, we asked our alumni to join us and then we began inviting our current Year 12 students to give them an understanding of their place in the Lasallian world.
This year, we had around fifty participants, Brothers, Teachers, School Staff, alumni and students.
Kane Raukura gave a stirring presentation titled “He Tāonga Ataahua” - The Significance of Lay Partners in Mission. There were lively conversations held throughout the presentation and by the time he had finished new relationships were being developed.
Tony Basile then introduced us to Buttimer through his eys as a current Year Two Buttimer Participant. He talked about Gratuitous Teaching, explaining that this is what makes a difference in a Lasallian Educator.
A maginificent babeque lunch was served and we shared time eating a fantastic meal, continuing to build new relationships in the most beautiful setting.
The afternoon session was taken by Anna Zsigovits-Mace. This presentation broke open a recent Lasallian Reflection titled “Our Heart is in the Peripheries.” This reflection showed us that we must look with our hearts and let them be our guide. Look with the eyes of love to the marginalised wherever they may be. Matthew 6:21 tells us that our heart is to be found where our treasure is. We are invited is to put our hearts there, in the peripheries, where we will find our treasure.
After a fantastic day together we closed in a beautiful prayer led by our young people and departed for our own hometowns. For each of us this two and a half hour drive was full of conversation and brotherhood.
Live Jesus in our Hearts Forever
Source: Anna Zsigovits-Mace, Chair, NZ Sector Mission Council
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