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De La Salle College Malvern

DLS 110 Year Anniversary eBook

On 5th February 2022 De La Salle College Malvern celebrates 110 years since the very first day we opened our doors for the initial intake of 54 primary school students. The following pages provide a concise snapshot of our history with a view to convey some of the key decisions and developments over the past 110 years. 

De La Salle’s 110 years have demonstrated a commitment to our living heritage, ingrained by the three founding Brothers and continuously adapted to be responsive to today’s realities. Our obligation to the young men entrusted to our care remains providing a holistic education for life in contemporary society, an education which is engaging, rigorous and inspiring. This is shared in an environment where the inherent dignity of each young person is recognised and he feels valued, safe, encouraged and there’s always someone who believes in him. Inspired by Christian maxims and Gospel values, after 110 years De La Salle continues to create opportunities to live this practically for service, leadership and the betterment of others.

I hope you enjoy this glimpse into 1912 – 2022 at Malvern. During the year a variety of initiatives are underway to acknowledge and celebrate our proud history, highlight our many achievements and promote the value and promise of a Catholic, Lasallian education for many years to come.


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