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Nicolle Leray-Warren

“To Thrive and Explore”: Nicolle Leray-Warren, Lasallian Leader

Following one’s family tradition often inducts one into a whole way of life, be it dad’s job, a key opportunity to shine in sport, or a desire to go it alone. For Nicole Leray-Warren, schooling at St. Michael’s College in Adelaide (MCA) was an entrée, in her own words, to “a well-rounded and value-based education.”

“At a young age I discovered a passion for sports and the arts. I participated in various activities, including netball, swimming, athletics, and ballet. These experiences not only helped shape my character….”  Nicolle, now Head of Visual Arts at St. Michael’s, a dual campus college of 1800 plus students, saw these varied activities develop her values of discipline, teamwork, as well as physical and artistic expression.

Like most young people there were many wild dreams of becoming – a dancer, actor, a graphic designer, a lawyer! A continuing passion for drawing, painting, and creating chimed in with the encouragement of her art and design teachers. These people were “inspirational mentors’ for her, as she produced her own artistic pieces.

After a few years at Mercedes College, Nicolle was teaching back at SMA. Visual art and design teaching has been an enrichment: it “has provided me with a sense of purpose and the opportunity to make a positive difference in the lives of my students.”

For the critical centre of work, the students, her subject teaching offers

“a platform for students to express themselves in ways that may be difficult through other means. It’s heartwarming to empower them to communicate their thoughts, emotions, and experiences through their work.”

Teaching Rewards

For Nicolle, educative work’s return is her perception of its lasting impact on younger lives, with its passion for art and design. A concrete example is the annual Year 12 Visual Art and Design Exhibition that SMA holds. It is a showcase of talent, but also “the incredible dedication, effort, and perseverance, they’ve invested in the journey to create a final piece that they can take pride in.”   

As Head of her Department over five years, she sees the College as fostering a strong sense of community. She perceives smaller, close-knit smaller communities, nurturing life-enriching friendships especially in areas such as art, drama, sports and extracurricular. An example is a lunchtime Skateboard Art Club.

The Lasallian Spirit of 70 Years

Asked about her life within a Lasallian institution, founded under the Brothers’ leadership with 29 pupils at Beverley in 1953, Nicolle speaks of a “journey”. She mentions deep impact and gratitude to “dedicated brothers” who more than just taught; “they inspired.” She mentions several – Brothers Geoff Kennewell, Chris Gorringe, Paul Kent (all deceased), and Vincent Keating, Aloysius Hurrell and John Pill.

“This Lasallian spirit is part of my DNA. The positive relationships I've cultivated over my years with students, fellow teachers, and the community have allowed me to thrive and explore my passions.

Being Lasallian means being part of a vibrant spiritual community, fostering deep connections, building trust, speaking from the heart, and sharing stories.

“I’m constantly reminded of my Lasallian heritage when I encounter current students and old scholars in everyday life, witnessing their enthusiasm for their cherished memories of St. Michael’s College.”

Not only corporately, but individually, it seems that Nicolle lives the spirit and is handing it on in inspiring youth today.


Source: Br Gary Wilson.