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PARC 2024 Renewal Plan: A Roadmap for Lasallian Transformation

The Pacific Asia Regional Conference embarks on a journey towards greater collaboration and synergy with its Renewal Plan. Aimed at fostering vibrant communities, strengthening mission associations, and promoting unity, the plan outlines five pathways for transformation over the next six years.

Initiated at the PARC48 Conference in Pattaya, Thailand, in January 2023, the process involved members from each district forming project teams to address regional priorities. With a focus on Lasallians Beyond Borders, sharing best practices, and enhancing formation programs, the groundwork was laid for the development of the Renewal Plan.

From April 7 to 11, 2024, 11 Brothers and 6 Lasallian partners met in Tagaytay, Philippines, for the PARC49 Conference. Under the leadership of Br. Ricky Laguda, Br. Chris Patiño, and Br. Sergio Leal, extensive planning was done devised to promote collaboration and communication across diverse Districts within PARC.

The objectives of the conference included:

  • Reviewing and developing Brothers' formation.

  • Creating new avenues for leadership gatherings.

  • Dreaming of ways to harness the diverse talents across the region.

Central to these efforts was creating a Renewal Plan aligned with the directives of the 46th General Chapter.

The discussions and reflections underscored the region's commitment to initiatives like the Leavening Project while recognizing the need for innovative approaches to collaboration and communication. Challenges such as strengthening accompaniment models and enhancing communication effectiveness were identified and addressed. The Renewal Plan, that covers 2024 to 2029, outlines five pathways for transformation; these pathways include deepening spiritual and fraternal lives, promoting co-responsibility, and advancing Lasallian educational missions. Over the next six years, PARC commits to implementing these pathways through collaborative efforts and shared commitment.

As the region sets off on this journey of renewal and transformation, the spirit of unity and cooperation remains at the forefront. With renewed purpose and dedication, the region endeavors to build synergies and propel the Lasallian mission toward a more prophetic and impactful future."

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Source: Jyron Raz