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Nurturing Lasallian Legacy: Reflections from the Annual Exploring Our Heritage Program

The Annual Exploring our Heritage Program gathered dedicated staff members from St Michael’s College, Adelaide across both the high-school and primary campus, yourtown, La Salle College, Middle Swan, the Lasalle Centre and Brothers from the Sector of Pakistan and a former Br. Visitor.

The program invites participants to take a pause from their ordinary schedules to take stock of their work for and with the flourishing of young people as front line staff or as support for those on the front line with young people. In particular, the participants benefited from two guest speakers from yourtown:

  • Tracy Adams, CEO of yourtown, ignited discussions with her compelling address, "De La Salle the Disrupter." She illuminated the revolutionary spirit of Saint John Baptist de La Salle, whose visionary approach disrupted conventional educational paradigms to prioritise the needs of the marginalised.

  • Jo-Allen Keating, Head of knowledge and performance, brought forth insights in her presentation about the needs of young people today, in particular, using the Kids Helpline Impact report 2023, she highlighted the worrying trends of Sextortion and Suicide amongst our young people. These were difficult conversations to be had and spurred the group to continuing to commit to the challenges faced by youth, ensuring inclusivity and empowerment for all.

In addition, many opted to join visit the yourtown site at Kingston, seeing first hand some of the wonderful work being done .

Throughout the program, participants had the opportunity to share their own experiences and insights, fostering a sense of community and solidarity. Beyond the confines of the program, the seeds of collaboration and camaraderie sown during these four days will continue to flourish, nourishing a vibrant network of Lasallians united in their shared mission. All who participated benefited both personally and professionally from those gathered and the formal program. Here is what some of the participants said about their experience:

  • It was an environment which enables each individual to be vulnerable and authentic to themselves, whilst also presenting the right amount of challenge and reflection to encourage us as educators and Lasallians.

  • Amazing balance. Thank you for this precious pause. A beautiful array of passionate heart-centered souls to cross-pollinate. Brilliant insight, reflection and application.

  • The experience has reassured me of my vocation and encouraged me to continue embodying the Lasallian mission in all I do.

  • I have very much enjoyed gaining a broader view of the Lasallian story that is playing out through the lives and work of the group. I will continue to reflect on the idea (and practice!) of disruption. This is an important yet difficult and uncomfortable process.

In the ever-changing landscape of education and youth development, the Lasallian legacy endures as a beacon of hope and transformation. As stewards of this invaluable heritage, we are called to uphold its principles with unwavering dedication and to forge ahead with courage and compassion, ensuring that every young person has the opportunity to thrive and succeed.